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Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Harakiri - Bunuh diri !

Rupanya pada saat sekarang ini; orang bunuh diri sedang ngetren berat. Kebanyakan orang bunuh diri karena merasa malu dan ini bukan hanya dilakukan oleh orang dewasa saja bahkan anak-anak sekalipun sudah banyak yang melakukannya. Misalnya Eko (15) dari Tegal yang
telah mencoba untuk bunuh diri, karena merasa malu menunggak uang sekolah. Padahal pungutan uang sekolahnya hanya Rp. 5000 saja per bulannya. Sedangkan para konglomerat hitam yang memiliki hutang lima
triliun saja tidak pernah mempunyai rasa malu.

Cara yang ditempuh untuk bunuh diri itu macem-macem, mulai dari terjun bebas dari hotel/gedung tinggi, minum racun, menabrakan diri ke kereta api atau busway, gantung diri, potong urat nadi maupun bakar diri. Ini semua adalah cara bunuh diri yang kampungan alias
nDeso. Dlm soal bunuh diri kita harus belajar dari Jepang, yang telah lama memiliki budaya malu. Mereka melakukan bunuh diri bukanhanya sekedar bunuh diri secara begitu saja melainkan dengan ritual dan disaksikan oleh beberapa orang, bahkan oleh anggota keluarganya sendiri dan juga oleh bikshu Shinto.

Harakiri (Hara = perut, Kiru = menusuk) walaupun demikian orang Jepang sendiri jarang yang menggunakan kata Harakiri. Mereka lebih senang menggunakan kata Seppuku yang memiliki arti yang sama dengan Harakiri. Budaya harakiri ini adalah tatacara budaya kesatrian (Bushido) yang dilakukan oleh kaum Samurai. Budaya ini sudah dilakukan sejak abad ke 12 dan mulai dilarang secara resmi di tahun
1868, walaupun demikian s/d saat ini masih tetap saja banyak yang mempraktekannya.

Harakiri bukanlah sekedar bunuh diri secara begitu saja, melainkan harus melalui upacara ritual yang jelas dan telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Mereka melakukan ini bukannya secara dadakan, terkadang mereka mempersiapkan upacara Harakiri ini seperti juga upacara perkawinan yang telah dipersiapkan berbulan-bulan sebelumnya.

Sebelumnya orang melakukan harakiri ia harus mendapatkan seorang pendamping asisten yang berfungsi sebagai algojo. Sang algojo ini mendapatkan tugas untuk memancung kepala dari orang yang melakukan harakiri. Masalahnya apabila seorang melakukan harakiri, pada saat ia mau mati, dilarang mengeluh, menggerang, mengaduh ataupun memperlihatkan wajah nyeri ataupun takut. Ia harus mati dengan tabah
dan gagah.

Untuk menghindar terjadinya hal ini, maka setelah sang pelaku harakiri menusukkan pisau ke perutnya, maka sang algojo harus segera memancung kepalanya dengan samurai. Dengan demikian ia bisa mempercepat proses kematian dan tidak perlu menderita. Asisten pembunuh ini lebih lazim dengan sebutan Kaishaku-Nin. Ilmu memancung
kepala dengan cepat dan baik ini bisa dipelajari dan disebut Seiza Nanahome Kaishaku.

Para pelaku harakiri selalu mengenakan baju putih yang melambangkan kebersihan dan kesucian. Mereka menusuk perutnya dengan menggunakan pisau kecil yang disebut Wakizashi atau Tanto. Pisau tajam yang berukuran 30 s/d 60 cm. Pisau tersebut harus dibungkus oleh kertas putih.

Pisau tersebut ditusukan keperut; 6 cm dibawah pusar yang disebut Tanden. Berdasarkan ajaran Zen disitulah letak pusatnya Chi atau letaknya jiwa manusia. Mereka bukan hanya sekedar menusuk begitu saja; melainkan harus dari kiri ke kanan dan dari atas ke bawah.
Prosedur merobek udel-udel ini disebut Jumonji-giri agar perutnya bisa benar-benar robek dan ususnya keluar.

Sebelum mereka harakiri mereka menulis puisi kematian atau death poem (jisei no ku) bagi yang ingin tahu apa saja yang ditulis di puisi tsb silahkan klik:

Harakiri bukan dilakukan oleh pria saja tetapi juga oleh kaum
perempuan. Mereka menusukan jarum rambut atau pisau ke ulu hatinya. Harakiri perempuan ini disebut jigai.

Bagi mereka yang ingin melakukan harakiri secara benar sesuai dengan ritual sebaiknya membaca terlebih dahulu panduan harakiri di:

Agar tidak mati konyol secara begitu saja seperti layaknya Mr
Nobody, maka sebaiknya pada saat mau bunuh diri mengundang seluruh wartawan cetak maupun elektronik sebanyak mungkin. Bukan hanya sekedar RCTI saja melainkan CNN juga. Hal inilah yang telah dilakukan oleh seorang punjangga Jepang - Mishima Yukio pada saat ia
mau melakukan harakiri pada tgl 25 November 1970 di Tokio. Bagi mereka yang tahan banting silahkan klik film reality show harakiri dari Mishima Yukio di

Hanya sayangnya Mr Yukio memilih asisten yang Go-Block, sehingga walaupun sudah tiga kali mencoba memancung, kepala sang pujangga ternyata tidak berhasil. Maklum asistennya masih muda 25 th setelah digantikan oleh algojo yang lain baru bisa berhasil.

Di Indonesia tidak akan ada pejabat yang merasa malu sehingga mau melakukan harakiri. Apabila kasus korupsi mereka terungkap, mereka lebih senang melakukan “Harta-Kiri” alias menyingkirkan hartanya
kebagian kiri alias keluar negeri daripada harakiri.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

L'Arc-En-Ciel Profile

L’Arc-en-Ciel is not a “visual-kei” band. Repeat – not a “visual-kei” band. Not at all. Just a straightahead rock band. That message bears repeating because the band vehemently objects to being tagged with the visual-kei label, so much so that they once walked off the stage during a TV broadcast when the MC had the temerity to use the dreaded “V” word when introducing L’Arc-en-Ciel. The band’s management also demands apologies from journalists who dare to describe L’Arc-en-Ciel as visual-kei.

L’Arc-en-Ciel were in fact identified with the whole decadent/glam visual-kei scene when the band was formed in Osaka in 1991 by vocalist Hyde, guitarist Hiro, bassist Tetsu and drummer Pero. The band’s name, by the way, means “rainbow,” in French, reflecting the visual-kei scene’s fascination with things Gallic, which they associate with fin-de-siecle decadence. L’Arc-en-Ciel’s fans, however, refer to the band simply as “Laruku.” After gigging extensively throughout western Japan, L’Arc-en-Ciel released their first album, Dune on an independent label in 1993, and their first single, “Blurry Eyes,” in October 1994. They soon became one of Japan’s biggest rock acts and continue to sell truckloads of CDs.

L’Arc-en-Ciel’s lineup has changed over the years, starting with the replacement of guitarist Hiro by Ken (the band doesn’t seem to go in for surnames much). And at the beginning of 1998, then-drummer Sakura left the band after a drug bust and was replaced by Yukihiro. 1998 also saw the band release three singles on one day – July 8. One of them, "Shinshoku – Lose Control", went to No. 2 on the singles chart. On July 1, 1999, L'Arc-En-Ciel made history by releasing two albums (Ark and Ray) simultaneously in Asia and Japan -- an industry first. Those two albums, plus Neo Universe/finale, were among the 17 winners in the Recording Industry Assn. of Japan’s Rock Album of the Year category at the 2000 edition of the RIAJ’s Gold Disc Awards show. In 2002, Hyde released an all-English version of his solo album, Roentgen (the Japanese edition featured songs in English and Japanese), in Asia. The idea was to get around South Korea's ban on Japanese-language vocals, which was still in force at the time. In contrast to L'Arc-en-Ciel's in-your-face brand of rock'n'roll, Hyde's first solo effort was a collection of quiet songs featuring his plaintive, understated vocals set against lush orchestral backdrops. The singles from the album were released in coffin-shaped jewel boxes.

In 2001 Sony released the best-of album Clicked Singles Best 13 in the U.S. L’Arc-en-Ciel started to build up a steady overseas following as anime fans became familiar with the band’s music though the use of tunes such as "Blurry Eyes", "Driver’s High" and "Ready Steady Go" as TV-animation show theme songs. L'Arc-en-Ciel made their U.S debut on July 31, 2004, in front of an audience of 12,000 fans at the Otakon anime convention in Baltimore, Md. The band received a rapturous reception there when they played "The Fourth Avenue Cafe", the theme song to Japanese samurai anime series Rurouni Kenshin.

Review : Final Fantasy VII Advent Children

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

Like virtually every other gamer on the face of planet, I own a copy of Final Fantasy VII. I tried to get into it several years ago when all the popular gaming sites hailed it as the best role-playing game ever. The gameplay never drew me in, and so while I have a passing familiarity with its characters, it was never something I thought much about after trying it for several hours. I saw Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within back when it hit theaters. Like many, I didn't think it had much of a plot but thought it looked spectacular. Several years later, I'm back taking a look at Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. It acts as a direct sequel to the story found in the game while sharing the brilliant computer-generated animation of its film predecessor (with whom it shares no plot). And make no mistake, fans of the game will love this movie. No, in fact, they will probably adore this movie, seeing just how lovingly made it is. But as someone who was just vaguely familiar with the whole thing coming into it, I found it almost completely incomprehensible.

To sum up the game: crap happened to Cloud and his friends. Cloud, the one with the inconceivably huge sword, saved his planet from absolute destruction at the hands of madman Sephiroth. Along the way, however, friends were lost, prices were paid, and identities came shattering down. Now there's a pathogen that's caustically affecting the skin of the planet's people, especially the children, and no one's sure how to cure it. In the midst of this epidemic, a cruel gang of ruffians hatches a plan to revive Sephiroth and his aborted plans for carnage and chaos. Cloud's once again called upon to save the world, but he's quite sure he no longer wants to be the hero. As Cloud's old friends rally around to try and engage him in the cause, he must decide whether he's going to mope through the rest of life or engage his destiny.

Now, before getting into the reasons why you should probably skip this film, there's something I should say: find a friend who owns a copy, borrow it, and start it about the 55 minute mark. That way, you can see the absolutely amazing animation during one of the best scenes in the film. Frankly, CGI animation has never been done better. Even the technically impressive Spirits Within doesn't look half as good as this. The detail on various surfaces is so good that the DVD looks like Blu-Ray or HD-DVD. With the sound turned up on a 5.1 system, you can get immersed in one of the most visually astounding pieces of animation you've ever seen. And for perhaps 15 minutes, you will be awestruck. Any animation fan should see the highlights of Advent Children just to revel in the possibilities.

But before you get too excited, realize that I still thought this film was a major disappointment. I could handle some of the absurdities that naturally had to be transferred over from the game (like Cloud's aforementioned behemoth of a weapon). But what I couldn't handle is the plotting department, which seems to figure that everyone who watches this film will be thoroughly aware of what has come before. That's understandable in the third part of a filmic trilogy, I suppose; for example, if you don't know who Han Solo and Luke Skywalker are by the time you see Return of the Jedi, you're not going to get much backstory. But we're talking about completely different mediums here. The only way to have experienced the full plot of Final Fantasy VII was to have spent well over 40 hours playing the game. Most casual gamers don't put in that kind of time. What's more, the plot that is here really isn't very worthwhile. I mean, all it really consists of is a plan to resurrect the game's villain, which isn't a scripting masterpiece. The movie is a long coda that gives a final warm and fuzzy sendoff to Cloud, who didn't get his own happy ending at the conclusion of the game. The action is a veneer to hide the fact that there's little story here. To top that off is the use of terminology that's never explained. If you've played the game and know what the lightstream/lifestream is and can figure out all the vocabulary, I'm happy for you. But for the novice, the dialogue was indecipherable. The only clues to understanding much of the language came from the simplicity of the overall storyline.

I could forgive most of that, but the thing that sent Advent Children into the realm of the "not recommended" was the fact that I just didn't care about these characters. Every last character arc of merit took place in the game already. The movie just assumes that you are already in love with these folks and know what has happened to them...but the average person isn't and doesn't. It's one thing to have a plot that's lacking, but to have characters that are ciphers is unforgivable. Quite honestly, I've never been so bored by a movie with this much action going on, and it was because it didn't matter what happened to the players involved. Even in the most basic of action films, say The Transporter, the lead character has charisma enough to make you interested in seeing if he's going to succeed or not. Cloud has so little stage presence, so to speak, that if he lives or dies matters little.

That doesn't mean this experience has to be a total failure, of course. The easiest thing to do would be for the creators of this movie to go back and tell the right story, the one that drew in millions around the globe, in feature film form. Yes, I would recommend them make a true Final Fantasy VII movie that gets us up to speed on this tale. Sure, the DVD of Advent Children includes a 30+ minute "reminiscence" on the story of the game, but it's nearly as incomprehensible as the film itself. It's nothing more than some of the cutscenes from the game, which now looks pretty threadbare in terms of graphics. They should do it right and make the big story a full feature; then perhaps Advent Children would be worth recommending to a larger audience who wants more substance than eye candy.

Until that point, however, this film is a wonderful-looking curiosity that will bore all but the faithful who waded through the whole game. And if you are one of those folks who did and are angry with this review, don't send me any nasty letters. You know you already bought this film the first weekend it came out anyway in the special edition with all the character statues and trinkets and doodads anyway. This review's for the rest of us who might find the movie visually stunning but too boring otherwise to merit anything more than a passing glance.

Source : TheAnimeReview.com

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Adsense Tutorial

Google AdSense is a great tool to begin earning revenue on your website. Google will pay you for visitors seeing and clicking on those ads. You can also earn money by recruiting others to place ads on their site or by including a Google search box on your pages.
Well Let me tell you their are various affiliates and advertisers are their on the internet but no advertising programme is as powerful and succesful as Google Adsense. Infact Anyone can make money with adsense. Read further to know how one can really make good money with Google Adsense.
Google Adsense is an easiest and fastest way for any web site to make money by displaying relevant, text or image ads by Google Adwords (Google's own advertisement programme) and receiving share for pay per click by advertisers on Google. Its way better in comparison to other advertising programme or affiliates as it display's very relevant advertising on your site and your visitors would be looking for similar kind of advertises, hence the chances of clicking this Adsense advertise increases.

I am not discouraging any other advertising programmers but Google Adsense is by far most trusted and good way of making money online.

How Google Does It? And What is His Benefit?

Google Adwords is Google's advertising programme where websites owners advertise their site and pay for this cause. Let me explain this thing to you. When you search Google.com for any keyword, you see some "Sponsored Links" which appear at the right hand side of the screen, which is, related to the keyword you searching for. Advertisers pay a predetermined amount to Google for every time their ad gets clicked. Now Google gives you opportunity to display these advertise on your site and earn share of revenue from it.

This is Google Adsense.

No Matter what your site, blog, portal, forum is all about, you can make money with Google Adsense by displaying their ads.

Now what’s the benefit of Google in doing so?

Why Google is taking money from their advertisers and paying this to you? What is his benefit in it?

Let us answer this here....

Google is smart, since their ads are published on more sites on internet (apart from just Google search engine) they will get more exposure and Google Adwords advertisers fund will be used fast. As Google charges them every time they get clicked or get page impression on your site. So you are helping Google to share the revenue, which is coming from their Adwords advertisers.

Which Category You Fall In For Building Adsense Site For Income?

When you decide to make Adsense Empire you fall in these major categories.

  • Make 50 sites and earn 2$ each day from them.
  • Make 2 Websites and make 50$ from each one per day.
  • Or you have an existing site and target Adsense ads on it.

In most of the cases, people end up in between. Maintaining 50 sites raises content, marketing, and management issues. And 2 sites don’t do well because of lack of information about search engine marketing, market trends etc. Existing site holders dont know how to mix these ads with their content.

Now you have to make your mind that in which direction you want to go.

Which Type Of Site Can Be Made For Generating Adsense Profit?

Once you have decided to make a website or multiple websites, now decide what information or subject will it cater to. A niche or a general one.

We will advice you to go for a niche website, as this will give you more targeted ads from Adsense, and you should write a good content for it, which will help you in many ways.

If you have an existing site please see how to get started with Adsense.

Newbeis, Find a niche on which you will enjoy to write, never know this niche makes you the unique one in the lot. Just make sure using Google Adwords tool, that this niche is going to give some related Advertisements from Google AdSense that you can get good Click Trough Rates.

Why Google Adsense Is Reliable?

What is really good about Google is:-

  1. It is simple to sign up, create your account, post the ads and let them work.
  2. Their ads matches with your content, hence visitors are attracted towards them. As they are text ads and have appealing and punching lines so they have more chances of hit.
  3. Google Adwords advertisers database have almost all the categories of businesses no matter how unique your content is you will have related ads on your site. If in case Google unable to provide you targeted ads they will provide you option to display a default ad of your choice.
  4. Google does all the relationship acts with you after you sign up; you don't have to worry about maintaining advertiser relationship.
  5. Google Adsense team ensures that no inappropriate ads display on your pages.
  6. Google gives you tips to improve your earnings.
  7. It also helps you with his analytics details that how many visits were there on your page or ad.
  8. It is well known and for all. Whether you are new or old. Famous or not famous
  9. Google Adsense team is there to help you in any situation. They have their own discussion forum where you can post your questions, and get answers in less then hour or so.
  10. You don’t have to chase advertisers; they come to you..
  11. Ongoing ads, they will never dry up.
  12. Ads automatically adjust with your page content.
  13. And the brand with whom you are advertising “Google”. Name does matter, isn’t it?

No other Advertising programme is as successful as Adsense.

How To Get Started With Google Adsense & Make Adsense Account?

  1. Just don't make a site for Adsense sake. Now when you sign up, you have to show Google Adsense your website, weblog on which you will paste Adsense ads. Google Adsense team will visit your site or weblog, if they find copied content, too many advertisements, your site hosted on free hosting services, copied design or anything unethical on your site, they will not approve your Adsense account. So try to be original, and write good content and don't do any unethical term to violate search engine or Adsense team to remove you.
  2. If you get approved you will receive one email from Adsense team that your site is approved and now you can post Adsense ads on your site or blog.
  3. Once you get approved you can post from many Adsense code available in Google Adsense. There are many products to choose from.
    • a) Adsense For Content: These types of ads display ads that are targeted to your site's unique content.
    • b) Adsense For Search: This types of ads allows you to provide Google or your site search to your site visitors, and if by searching from your site visitor goes to Google and click on any pondered links you get paid for it.
    • c) Referral Ads: This ad is being given to you when you reach certain amount in your Adsense account.